Immortelle essential oil

Helichrysum Italicum.


This small but powerful bottle hides the pure essence of immortelle that awakes all your senses.

42,00  PDV Uključen


Net volume: 10ml

A potent and versatile immortelle essential oil, which is obtained by steam distilling the organically grown above-ground part of the plant. It has a very wide range of action but requires caution in dosing and proper use.

Ingredients (INCI):

Alfa-pinen, Neril-acetat, Limonen, Linalol, Beta-kariofilen, Kurkumeni (alfa,gama i beta), Italicen, Selinen

KuSshh advice:

Immortelle essential oil protects and helps with bacterial infections, bronchitis, coughs, asthma, colds, fevers and rheumatoid arthritis. It has antiallergic and diuretic effects, and is recommended for inhalation in chronic airway inflammation. It prevents and slows down cell damage and blood clotting, reduces high cholesterol and has a beneficial effect in the treatment of hematoma, ruptured capillaries, thrombosis and other disorders of the vascular system. It stimulates the work of the lymphatic and immune systems, thus improving detoxification and the body’s defense against pathogens. It is especially effective in skin care: it soothes irritations and inflammation, reduces swelling and edema, pain from burns, scratches and fractures, and helps treat tired skin and heal wounds. It is a natural means of calming the nerves, positively affecting mood, concentration and easier sleep. Its aromatherapeutic effects include the removal of anxiety, irritability, fatigue, apathy and emotional blockages, and it is also effective as an antidepressant.


Najiskrenije preporučam! Kvalitetna prirodna kozmetika ugodnog mirisa i jaaako fora ambalaža! Zato KUSSHHajte!

Romana Brestovec

Kao pripadnik muškog roda nisam baš vičan korištenju krema, no ova krema koju koristim za lice i čelo nakon šišanja mašinicom + uljni serum za tjeme, top su kombinacija. Iskrene preporuke za sve potencijalne kupce. 

Marin Mijaljević

KuSshh piling za lice je super. Koža nakon korištenja je glatka i mekana. Ugodan, a ne prejak miris koji se razvije nakon nanošenja je bio pravo iznenađenje. Zrnca nisu gruba. Uglavnom, jedva čekam isprobati i ostale proizvode.

Maja Berić

Krema ugodne teksture, hrani, nije masna, odlična podloga za make up. Piling ugodnog mirisa, jako nježan, koža mekana na dodir. Serum odlično hidratizira, brzo se upija, daje učinak zaglađivanja. Micelarna odlično skida šminku, ne iritira. Balzam jedan od boljih koje sam probala, usnice nisu više ispucane, isušene.

Monika Prosinečki

Svaka preporuka za piling! 
Inače sam skeptična prema korištenju pilinga za lice jer imam suhu kožu koja nakon pilinga bude iziritirana i još vise suha, pa sam jednostavno odustala od toga, dok nisam dobila KuSsh piling i oduševila se! 
Koža mi je nakon primjene bila mekana i svilenkasta, (kao da sam nanijela hranjivo ulje), a pore skroz čiste, sve bez ikakve iritacije. Definitivno nešto što treba probati!

Nika Fuketa

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